Analisi dei Rischi Industriali e Ambientali
ARIA S.r.l. is an engineering company focused on process risk assessment and on safety and environmental engineering
Since 2007, ARIA is a graduated company of I3P, Politecnico di Torino Incubator for Innovative Enterprises.

Company history
ARIA s.r.l. story began in 2004, within the Politecnico di Torino Incubator for Innovative Enterprises, building on Industrial Major risk analysis, Environmental engineering and Occupational health & safety expertises.
The Company still carries on a strict and continuos cooperation with Politecnico di Torino (“SAfeR” centre), and participates in national and international research projects and working groups.
These experiences allows ARIA to constanly develop and apply in its daily work innovative risk assessment methodologies and technical solutions and make ARIA grow as a research company.
Since 2005, ARIA s.r.l. is a ISO 9001 certified company by DNV-GL, for the supply of services related to the process analysis and safety and environmental engineering.